A BUSHEL & A PECK CHILDREN'S BOUTIQUE / Owner and mom of two, Cortney, was ready to turn her passion for clothing into a business, and chose us to develop her logo and all of her business essentials! Her mission includes a Christ-centered business model that allows all mommas to afford cute, high-quality kids clothing and accessories that will last.
THE FINISHED PRODUCT / Soft colors and clean lines. Playful yet professional. This custom hand-lettered logo type pairs beautifully with matching graphic elements. Three logo executions with varied amounts of detail and added flare for use across digital and printed media.

APPLICATION / Sticking with the same simple line art style as our additional logo elements, we were able to create a series of matching artwork for social media graphics that took the business from pre-launch through new line sales.

APPLICATION / Custom artwork and light wooden rustic theme carry over into printed marketing materials including business cards, thank you order inserts and more.

KIND WORDS FROM THE CLIENT / "Amanda does such amazing work! She is extremely talented and easy to work with. She takes pride in giving you the very best! I have not been disappointed in anything she has made or created for my business." Cortney, A Bushel & A Peck